Thursday, 26 May 2011

Tahlia's Work Experience Adventures

Hi! Tahlia here, posting a blog about my week of work experience adventures at the Eureco Sydney office.

From the 23rd-27th of May I've been here at the Sydney office with Frances, getting first hand experience with what really goes on behind the scenes at Eureco!


Waking up early Monday morning, I sprang up out of bed ready for the exciting day of work experience ahead! The weeks of anticipation had finally caught up with me and I was more than ready to head on over to the office. Grabbing a quick "wake up" coffee and hopping on the bus with a spring in my step, I made my way to the North Ryde office. With Frances at the bus stop ready to greet me, I already felt right at home in the Eureco team.

Frances and I took the quick two minute walk from the bus stop to the office and got straight to work. With online and wholesale orders coming in the night before, I had plenty to learn about the behind the scenes processes already!

Firt step was to create invoices for the orders. Frances taught me how to use the business accounting software in style that I could easily understand and I got it in one go! With processes such as recording the customers name and order number, and also recording payment etc. I was already experiencing and learning about an interesting element of the Eureco business. The next step was to wrap, pack and dispatch the orders. Frances taught me how to wrap the towels protectively and aesthetically to ensure quality arrival to the customer. We then took a drive over to the post office and sent the packages on their way to be loved by their new owner!

With a couple of boxes in the car, Francis then suprised me with a quick visit to one of Eureco's stockists Planet Commonwealth to drop off some orders to Ross, the owner. I really enjoyed being able to meet Ross and browse the style of furniture and homewares he sold including a vast variety of Eureco's Bamboo towels looking lovely on the shelf.

Once we finished up at Planet Commonwealth, Frances and I headed back over to the office for some late afternoon activities. Experiencing an almost crafty element of the business I spent my afternoon making some colour sample boards. These boards are given out to retailers to advertise Eureco's available colourways to the public if the store doesn't stock all colours. As well as for Eureco's retailers, the sample boards are also going to be used for the Organic Expo coming up, which Frances kindly invited me to! The expo is coming up in early August.


With another early wake up, I woke up excited for what jobs Frances had set up for me. First thing were some more orders that had come in, which I had completed in a few minutes now that I had the hang of it! As we wrapped the orders we noticed we were low on ribbon which I assumed was a complete disaster... However Frances, with her easy going attitude excitedly told me about the exquisite ribbon shop and I could tell this would be another busy day.

Frances and I headed over to the ribbon shop to check out some new colours and styles of ribbons. I have to say it was possibly the most stunning variety of ribbons I had ever seen, making it possibly a highlight of the week.

On our way back into the office we popped into the Bigfish studio where I met the lovely talented Eureco photographer Warwick! I stood there envying his high tech photography equipment while Frances and Warwick chatted away.

Next thing we were on the road again, heading back to the office to draft Eureco's next days blog. This was possibly the most time consuming, frustrating part of my week. Getting the layout completely right was very challenging for me, and I'm not lying when I say I was hopeless at it! After a long day I headed home, tired.

Click here to read the blog!


I arrived at the office to a VERY excited Frances. "TODAY IS INTERNATIONAL TOWEL DAY" she told me excitedly! Wearing our towels, we got straight to work.

First step was to release our one day sale live up on the Eureco website. This was great for me, as I got to learn how to use website design software.

After Frances and I updated the website we sent out a newletter to all Eureco's suscribers to let them know about the sale. I also helped Frances release the blog.

Click here to read our Towel Day blog!

As Frances is going on leave for the next two weeks, Marylin popped in to get updated on what's going on in the office. This was great, as I got to meet more people from the Eureco team!


The week was going so quickly and I felt as if I had so much more to learn! As I greeted Frances, I noticed another Eureco team member, Sophie, in the office and eagerly introduced myself!

I was put straight to work and began to organise the warehouse when suddenly, A SURPRISE VISIT from a teacher from my school! Mr. Little, my science teacher, had popped in to see how I was going and ask a few questions about what I was learning at Eureco. I eagerly told him how much I was enjoying it, and how disappointed I was that the week was almost over. With great feedback Mr. Little was on his way and the rest of my day was full of making colour sample boards and organising the warehouse! Wow was I tired!


No way, the weeks all over! I arrived here this morning, eager to make the most of my final day at Eureco. Frances set me up with an assignment for me to write this blog. And here I am, at 4pm in the afternoon writing it! Having taken me all day, I've written and completed it, and am happier than ever!

I would like to thank Frances for having me here at the Eureco office and making me feel like part of the team. I have had a great experience, learning everything I need to know about the processes and elements of the business and I could not thank Frances enough for making this happen! I hope to come back to the Eureco team sometime in the future!


Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Celebrate International Towel Day! 15% off today!

Today is International Towel Day! To Celebrate we're offering 15% off our Bamboo & Organic Cotton Bath Towel Collections for one day only!

Towel Day is celebrated every 25th of May as a tribute by fans of the late author Douglas Adams. On this day, fans carry a towel with them to demonstrate their love for the books and the author, as referenced in Adams's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The commemoration was first held in 2001, two weeks after Adams's death on 11May 2001.

"A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (such a mind-boggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough" ~ Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Towel Day is a pretty big deal all over the world! Check out all the events people from all over the world are holding to celebrate International Towel Day here.

And check out this official promo video!

And here are some pics of all of us in the Eureco office embracing the spirit of the day!

Frances & Tahlia (our year 10 work experience wonder) with their towels!

Marilyn looking snug in her bamboo towel

Luckily it was an exceptionally cold day in Sydney, so we were all more than happy to accessorise with a towel for a little added warmth for the day!

Happy Towel Day! Until next year, happy travels!

Frances wraps up another successful photo shoot!

This month Frances wrapped up another successful photo shoot to showcase our gorgeous new season colours!

After a lot of organisation and preparation behind the scenes, the date was finally set for the studio shoot.

Frances engaged her expert photographer Warwick from BigFish VC.
Frances & Warwick in the Studio The BigFish Studio
Day 1: The Models – Bamboo Bath Robes
Frances arrived at the studio with Sophie (her lovely assistant for the day) early to prepare before the arrival of John & Priscilla – Our friendly (and very gorgeous) models.

Sophie, Frances, John & Priscilla.

John was first in the spot light modelling his bamboo bathrobe and Frances marvelled at his professionalism and ability to keep a straight face for the camera while giggling between shots. Final Image: John modelling Eureco bamboo bathrobe in colour ‘Aubergine’.

Then Priscilla donned her robes and, after a little tweaking to make sure the bathrobes were looking their best, it wasn’t long before we were producing some truly gorgeous pics.

Frances preparing Priscilla. Reviewing shots on the monitor. Final Image: Priscilla modelling Eureco bamboo bathrobe in colour ‘Aquamarine’.

Then the real fun began with the ‘couple shots’ shooting John & Priscilla together.

Frances was kept busy directing the shots and ensuring the robes were looking lovely while John & Priscilla were relaxed and patient between shots.

John looking his very best. Ooops! We lost John! Final Image: Bamboo Bath Robes. Pricilla in ‘Pearl’. John in ‘Slate’. Final Image: Bamboo Bath Robes. Priscilla in ‘Aquamarine’ & John in ‘Slate’. Frances, Priscilla, John & Sophie winding down at the end of the day.

And that wrapped up Day 1. A big thank you to John & Priscilla for their professionalism, good humour and gorgeousness! Good luck in all your endeavours!

Day 2: The Products – Bamboo Bath Towels

Another early start followed on Day 2. Frances, Sophie & Warwick took a minute for an energising cup of coffee and a brief review of the days shot schedule before commencing.

Each product shot is carefully considered and planned before arriving in the studio. All props are sourced in advance and Eureco would like to extend particular thanks to Ross Longmuir at Planet Commonwealth, for generously agreeing to supply many of the props you see featured in the images below.

Props ready and waiting.

Re-using the studio set up from the day before, the first shot of the day featuring all 9 new colourways was quickly set. Warwick adjusted the lighting to ensure the texture of the towels was captured perfectly. Final Image: Bamboo bath towels. All 9 new colourways featured. Frances setting a shot. Final Image: Ash, Slate & Aquamarine. Props courtesy of Planet Commonwealth. Frances setting another shot while Warwick adjusts the lighting. A quick review on the studio monitor.
Final Image: Ash, Slate & Chartreuse. Props courtesy of Planet Commonwealth.

Most images require a pedantic attention to detail and seemingly endless adusting of small details, however very occasionally there will be a shot that is perfect first time around. The image that follows is one such image. It arrived perfectly formed. Final Image: Lavender, Pearl, Ash, Aquamarine. Props courtesy of Planet Commonwealth. Final Image: Pearl, Lavender, Aubergine & Ash. Props courtesy of Planet Commonwealth. Final Image: Slate, Chartreuse, Tangelo, Aquamarine, Lavender.

And with a just a few more images of product details towards the end of the day, the studio shoot came to a close.

A very big thank you to Sophie for her calm organisation and assistance throughout the shoot. Sophie made sure the towels and props arrived and departed the studio in perfect condition. She also made sure the models were kept warm, comfortable and even entertained during their breaks and made sure the robes and towels were ironed (yes, ironed!) and looking lovely in time for their shots. Thank you. Thank you.

Also a big thank you to our photographer ‘Wazza’, for his calm and methodical approach, his exceptional attention to detail and his immense technical ability. You're a dream!

Eureco continues to build its reputation for superb quality products both sourced and showcased with care and attention to detail.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

FAQ's: Bamboo Vs Cotton - Absorbency & Drying Time

At Eureco, there are three questions our customers ask us all the time:

· Are Bamboo Towels more absorbent than Cotton Towels?
· Do
Bamboo Towels absorb more quickly than Cotton Towels?
· Do
Bamboo Towels take longer to dry than Cotton Towels?

Sometimes the answer is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no, so I thought I’d post a blog to explain.

I've even included the results of some of the testing I’ve had done along the way. Megan will be horrified to see Frances’ blogging reach new nerdy heights!

Are Bamboo Towels more absorbent than Cotton Towels? Yes.

Test 1: Comparative Absorbency

Two pieces of terry cloth identical in size and construction, one composed 100% cotton fibre and the other 100% bamboo fibre are weighed and their dry weight is noted. The two pieces of cloth are then wholly submerged in water and left to soak and absorb as much of the liquid as they can. The pieces are then removed and weighed again. The new weight is measured as a percentage compared to the dry weight.

As you can see below, the bamboo sample outperformed the cotton sample, absorbing 1.76 times its weight in water, compared to the cotton sample which absorbed 1.5 times its weight.

Do Bamboo Towels absorb more quickly than Cotton Towels? Yes.

Test 2: Speed of Absorbency

The below illustration is based on the Marks & Spencer Test that registers the time for a piece of terry cloth to sink to the bottom of a glass. The bamboo sample absorbs the liquid more easily than the cotton sample and therefore sinks to the bottom of the glass much faster.

Do Bamboo Towels take longer to dry than Cotton Towels? No.

As illustrated below, the speed at which bamboo fibre evaporates its moisture and dries is roughly equivalent to that of cotton.

Test 3: Drying Time

As above, two pieces of terry cloth (one 100% bamboo fibre and the other 100% cotton fibre) are washed, rinsed and spun as per a domestic washing machine. They are then weighed and hung out to dry. At 5 minute intervals each piece is weighed again until dry.

In the below diagram the two lines run roughly parallel illustrating that the bamboo sample and the cotton sample dry at roughly the same rate.

It is important to note that in the above test the bamboo towel was heavier (ie: wetter as a function of its superior absorbency) when it started the drying process and therefore did take a little longer to dry.


If a cotton towel absorbs 500ml of water and a bamboo towel also absorbs 500ml of water, the towels will take approximately the same length of time to dry because they have absorbed the same amount of water and they evaporate their moisture at roughly the same rate.

In practice within the home however, bamboo towels can appear to take a little more time to dry than their cotton counterpart. This is not because the bamboo fibre is slower to evaporate its moisture, rather, because the bamboo fibre is far more absorbent so it simply starts out much wetter and therefore can take a little longer to dry.

Bamboo towels are a fantastic alternative to cotton towels because they are so much softer to the touch, they are far more absorbent, they absorb more quickly so after your bath or shower, you’ll feel much drier much faster and because their production is generally kinder on the environment.

So, they look and feel better, they perform better and they are better for the environment. Next time you’re in the market for some new towels, it really is worth considering buying bamboo towels from Eureco.

Many of our customers have reported that once they had used a bamboo towel, they didn’t want to use anything else again. Experience the difference for yourself.

Do you have any other questions? Post below and I’ll see what I can do to answer them.


Monday, 17 January 2011

Christmas and Cotton Commodities


Gosh it’s been a long time since we last posted a blog.

We are very sad to report that our regular Eureco blogger, Megan, has moved on to a full time position writing copy for a well known real estate company. We wish her well and as you can see (by our subsequent lack of blog posts) her skills are much missed already!

Over the Christmas period we were extremely busy processing customer orders from all over the world and we hope that everyone who received Eureco towels or robes over Christmas was thrilled with their gifts!

Our January Sale commenced just a few days later with 20% off everything storewide and an incredible 40% off selected ‘clearance items’.

January is always an interesting time as we take time to review the year that was 2010 and prepare for what is looking as though it will be an increasingly challenging year ahead.

There have been some dramatic developments in the global cotton markets which are set to impact Eureco over the coming year. The Pakistani floods of 2010 destroyed over 3000 km2 (that’s 30%) of their cotton crop. According to the Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association over 2 million bales of cotton were destroyed which has led to an increase in the global commodities price with cotton now trading at all time high prices.

Furthermore, the world’s largest producer of cotton, China, has also had a shortfall in production for the 12th year running, cutting their stockpiles to their lowest levels since 1995 and adding further upward pressure on the price of cotton.

Closer to home, the very recent Queensland floods have wiped out almost all Queensland’s cotton crop. While it is too soon to really understand what impact this will have on global cotton prices, it will doubtlessly add further pressure to what is already a volatile commodity.

All this activity in the global markets means that our Belgian supplier (along with almost all other textile manufacturers around the world) has been forced to increase their prices. Our prices are usually set in January for the 12 months ahead however, due to continued uncertainty around the price of cotton, our prices for 2011 are set for just 3 months at a time.

While we will not be amending our collection prices at this time, the possibility exists that we may be forced to increase our prices at some stage during 2011. Just more good reason to take advantage of our January sale prices while they last!

This year, we will also be discontinuing a number of our current colours within our Luxury Bamboo Collection and launching exciting new colours in their place. We expect to launch our new colours by roughly the end of March, early April and we’ll keep you updated with news of the new releases as they approach.

Sneak Peek - Frances putting together the colourstory for new colours launching soon!

In the meantime, don’t forget to take advantage of our January sale prices while they last!

Take care until next time!